Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trust God

Have you ever wondered why nothing seems to be working right in your life? Have you ever wondered why it seems like everyone around you is happy but you aren't? Chances are you have. We all have at one point or another. If you are asking yourself these questions you need to re-evaluate your priorities. What you invest your time in determines how you react to life. When you are so focused on money, school, technology, and other driving forces of the world you get consumed in it and loose yourself. We are so easily influenced by what society says is right, doing what others say, and are focused on what we want. But what if we stopped thinking about what we want and what others want and instead focus on what God wants. Crazy right?

It's something I've grown up hearing. Follow God's plan for your life and trust Him. I don't think I've fully understood this concept until this semester. As humans, we make so many excuses about everything. We say we don't have time to read our Bible and pray every day but if you added all the time up we spend doing nonsense things there is more than enough time to make time for God. In fact, making time for Him should be our top priority.

I've really started doing that this semester. Seeking God in all I do and not just when things are bad and hard so I turn to Him. Taking Authentic Christianity this semester and talking about living a spirit-filled life has really challenged me to become a better Christian. I always say that I trust God and I'm giving Him everything but I've come to realize that I limit myself. That I don't always give Him everything. It was really in hall devos when Miss Chantal spoke and told us her life story that it hit me and I was like "woah, this is all part of God's plan I need to stop worrying about it and trust Him and see how he wants to use me in the ministry opportunities I have now" She told us the scripture Proverbs 3:5-6, which I've heard a million times, but that night it hit me and I remembered all the times my mom had written that verse on notes she gave me. That night, in my room, I was up forever just praying, journaling, and seeking God.

Since then, I have really trusted Him with everything. There is so much going on with the end of semester, summer, graduation, etc. and I've given it all to Him. Doing this has lifted a burden off of my shoulder. It's funny because when you do this and make Him a priority things just seem to work out.  I had to get a new tire before going home for Spring Break but who knows what God was keeping me from. I was delayed in coming back from Spring Break but maybe that was God showing me he cares about my little needs like spending an extra day home. Instead of seeing the bad in situations I try to find the good and what God is trying to teach me in it.

God is doing awesome things in my life and I believe it's cause I'm truly trusting Him. In this week alone I've gotten a Donor Scholarship for next semester, found out I passed the PPR, got an interview for a job this summer, didn't die driving in tornado weather, have had awesome laughs with friends, and so much more. It's all because I'm trusting Him. If I wasn't trusting Him and seeking Him I don't believe these things would be happening.

When we trust Him life is so much more enjoyable. Trusting Him is hard and doesn't always make sense but is worth it.